Some space babily arrives! Pregnancy marks the beginning of a new life, a story … and more changes are expected. So, it all starts from first nausea until the day the doctor formally announces he or she is there. Learn everything you need to know in early pregnancy.
what are the earliest signs of pregnancy?
If some women easily recognize the signs of pregnancy, others still ignore and neglect the changes in their bodies that announce the beginning of a new life. Although these signs are extremely numerous and are not always consistent from one woman to another, they are not enough to confirm a pregnancy. They must nevertheless draw attention!
The absence of rules or amenorrhea
In early pregnancy, many changes to the body level are recognized. The missed period is the first sign that announces a pregnancy but other manifestations may be present or not. But even if this sign is real, doubts settle yet.
When will we talk about a missed period?
For a healthy woman and having a regular cycle, the absence of rules is easily recognized and is the first sign announcing a pregnancy.
By cons, for a woman with irregular cycle, it is often difficult to say from the outset; he will have to wait a few days.
What is the mechanism?
During a menstrual cycle in the absence of sexual intercourse and fertilization, the egg released deteriorates and becomes the corpus luteum, to then be removed with the endometrium.
If intercourse on fertile period, the egg is fertilized. The endometrium does not fall and remains ready to receive the embryo. This explains the absence of rules, the first sign of an early pregnancy
Reliable or not?
The missed period is not always a sign of pregnancy. There are other causes or factors that could induce. In a well-regulated woman, no concept of contraception, of childbearing age and in the absence of sexual intercourse on fertile period, a delayed period may be due to:
– A stress or excessive emotion
– Anorexia with weight loss
– Excessive sports
– A psychological problem
– A hormone disorder
– A recent judgment of contraception.
In all these cases, the delay or absence of rules is often fleeting and rather a malfunction signs of whole body, affecting health status.
Breast tenderness
The painful and heavy breasts usually appear a few days before menstruation. And it persists sign when the woman is pregnant.
From the first days of pregnancy, the breasts are tender, swollen and bulky. Some women have tingling or itching.
Nipples are curved, hard and become darker and darker. The areola has small swellings called Montgomery’s tubercles.
This transformation is secondary to hormonal actions, especially estrogen. These hormones cause a mammary gland development, which is already preparing for milk production.
These changes in the level usually begin during the first trimester of pregnancy. In some women, they persist for the duration of pregnancy.
However, there are other causes that may cause actual breasts:
– Contraception
– The end of cycle period (menstruation approach)
– Prolonged drug taking
– Too tight clothes (bra)
– An infection (mastitis) or tumor (cancer)
Digestive disorders
Digestive disorders are usually harmless and disappear after the first quarter.
Nausea usually appears in early pregnancy, at the end of the first month. Now, explanations are still unclear on the occurrence of these disorders. Nausea would be functional, and would be an adaptive reaction to the excesses of sex hormones. Generally, digestive disorders disappear in the 12th week of gestation.
Vomiting is rare but may be serious in terms of its abundance. Medical treatment may be necessary in the case of severe vomiting.
There are other digestive symptoms like:
– A sour stomach associated with hypersalivation often disappears early in the second trimester of pregnancy. Products mint are advised to fight this phenomenon.
– A change of taste: a distaste for certain foods, or rather a craving for certain dishes; a metallic taste sensation in the mouth
– Nausea in the presence of certain odors
– The appetite is usually increased
– Sometimes, bloating or constipation: these transit disorders are secondary to the disruption caused by progesterone.
– Hypersalivation
How to fight the discomfort of awakening?
Some tips to help you get up on the right foot, without nausea or vomiting:
– Take breakfast in bed before getting up (or eat a little before getting up)
– Eat small amounts but increase the number of meals taken. The stomach is more tolerant of small meals to avoid an empty stomach and snacking
– Avoid smells foods or products that may trigger nausea and vomiting.
Sleep disorders
A pregnant woman often has nocturnal insomnia, offset by daytime sleepiness. This phenomenon is explained by the action of progesterone, which has a sedative and calming effect. Fatigue in pregnant women is often linked to sleep disorders and hormonal effect.
An irritated bladder
The frequent urination is signs of pregnancy. Generally, this sign is present throughout the period of pregnancy.
In early pregnancy, kidney function is increased, the bladder fills more quickly and then become frequent urination.
During pregnancy, the uterus gradually increases in volume and exerts pressure on the surrounding organs (urinary tract). In addition, secreted estrogen cause a relaxation of tissues and muscles. This results in hypertension urinary organs causing a frequent urge to urinate.
Other signs
There are other signs that may go unnoticed, such as:
– Mood swings, irritability, poor emotional control. These signs are due to hormonal changes or psychological changes but may be secondary to iron deficiency.
– Vertigo, dizziness is secondary to a fall in blood pressure. It is advised to take alternate hot showers cold showers, perform morning walks and adopt a balanced diet.
– A certain gene or pulling sensation in the groin level is due to the action of loosening of the ligaments by estrogen.

Anna Leake is a health blogger that focuses on topics related to nutrition, fitness, and mental health. She was born in New York City but at age 6 moved to the Midwest where she spent her childhood exploring nature with friends and family. Anna graduated from University of Michigan-Ann Arbor with degrees in psychology & human development.