The first 12 weeks of pregnancy are critical to your baby’s development, so it’s very important that you abstain from bad habits (like smoking, drinking and using drugs, this includes drugs of all kinds), and assuming a lifestyle Healthy with good eating habits and regular exercise for pregnant women.
Although technically you are not pregnant during weeks 1, 2 and 3, these articles offer you useful tips on easy ways to get pregnant faster. From the fourth week of conception, you will be officially in the weeks of pregnancy. The sperm of your partner and your egg have created a new life!
Once you are pregnant, your body will undergo rapid emotional and physical changes. At the beginning of your pregnancy, you will not reveal it yet, but soon you will feel pregnant. Do not be surprised if you begin to experience nausea, fatigue, tenderness in the breasts and mood swings. These are all initial and normal changes during the pregnancy weeks. As the second-trimester approaches, many of these unpleasant symptoms of pregnancy will begin to disappear, and you will notice more physical changes, such as your increasing breasts and the increase of your waist.
Your baby is undergoing major changes during these first 12 weeks of pregnancy. In the first trimester, all major baby organs are forming, including the brain, heart, and nervous system. That is why it is crucial that you eat well, that you exercise regularly, and that you avoid unhealthy habits and bad choices in your lifestyle during this period of gestation.
Visit here the Guide to Pregnancy Week A Week.
In the first trimester of pregnancy weeks, you should schedule regular prenatal visits to monitor your baby’s progress. Most pregnant women visit their gynecologist for the first time between week 8 and week 10 of the gestation process. In most cases, the doctor will perform a complete physical examination, a review of your medical history and will perform an ultrasound during one of the first visits. Around week 12, you will hear the beating of your baby’s heart for the first time.
The second trimester of gestation: Week 14 to Week 28
You survived your first trimester! The second trimester of gestation is often called the “pregnancy honeymoon,” since many of the early symptoms of pregnancy (such as nausea and fatigue) have diminished or completely disappeared. The conception hormones that were causing you so much trouble in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy will begin to stabilize during the second trimester.
Despite getting a much-needed break from fatigue, nausea, and vomiting, do not be alarmed if you begin to experience new symptoms of pregnancy, such as reducing backaches, swelling of the ankles, balance problems, and Sudden mood swings.
As your body is growing, many women also begin to notice stretch marks on the breasts, the belly, and the buttocks. If this worries you, you may want to invest in skin care products for pregnant women, such as creams and belly oil. If you are having trouble sleeping, consider using maternity pillows to relieve your discomfort during these weeks of pregnancy.
The most exciting part of the second trimester of pregnancy is feeling your baby kicking for the first time. Between 17 and 20 weeks of pregnancy, you can begin to feel some of your movement within you.
During the second trimester of pregnancy, your baby is growing very quickly. At 28 weeks of pregnancy, your baby will weigh about 1.2 kilos and will measure about 8.5 inches.
The third trimester of pregnancy: Week 29 through Week 40
It’s almost here! In the third trimester of pregnancy, your baby continues to grow and your body is preparing for labor and delivery. In this last trimester of pregnancy weeks, your baby’s lungs and respiratory system are maturing.
During the third trimester of pregnancy weeks, fatigue will return. You may also experience varicose veins, swelling in the legs and hands, hemorrhoids, rectal bleeding, nosebleeds, difficulty sleeping, and trouble getting comfort.
As the day of birth approaches and the last weeks of pregnancy, do not be surprised if you start experiencing false labor pains (also called Braxton Hicks contractions). Many women confuse these contractions with actual labor pains, which last longer and are less spaced apart from each other.
Between 37 and 40 weeks of pregnancy, your baby is mature and ready for birth. These last weeks of pregnancy are often very exciting for the new mom and her family. Soon your baby will be born! Congratulations new mom and dad !.
Anna Leake is a health blogger that focuses on topics related to nutrition, fitness, and mental health. She was born in New York City but at age 6 moved to the Midwest where she spent her childhood exploring nature with friends and family. Anna graduated from University of Michigan-Ann Arbor with degrees in psychology & human development.