How to cure a stye quickly: But what’s that in your left eye? You have risen with a strange annoyance and when you look at yourself in the mirror the world has collapsed. Precisely today that you have that meeting so important your body has played a bad trick, making appear a stye that makes you look terrible as if they had beaten you the night before. Do not worry about anything, I’ll teach you how to heal a stye quickly.
Why do the styes come out?
A stye arises due to inflammation of certain sebaceous glands located at the base of the eyelashes or eyelids (Zeiss gland, Moll’s gland or Meibomian gland). The most common cause of its occurrence is the proliferation of bacteria of the species Staphylococcus aureus (staphylococcus), although other pathogens may also be involved. Other causes may be blepharitis (chronic inflammation of the eye), hormonal changes and stress. The healing process of styes can last up to 20 days and although it is not usually a serious condition it is very painful and unsightly. If the problem persists for longer than indicated, you should go to the doctor promptly. Here I offer you the main symptoms of the stye so that you recognize it immediately:
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- Sensitivity to light
- Annoying when blinking
- Redness in the affected area
- Tingling, stinging, burning, or pain in the affected area
- Legañoso eyes (legañas appear after short periods of time)
- Sandy feeling in the eye
- Inflammation of the eyelid
- Constant tearing
- Mucous secretions of the affected eye
Blurry vision
Appearance of a small yellow or reddish point similar to a grain to be drained
The next step is to identify the type of stye you are presenting, which is very easy as it relates to the area of the eyelid where it is located:
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External stye
Reddish swelling at the edge of the eyelid that usually has a yellowish beard like a grain. It tends to drain spontaneously and heal in a short time.
Internal stye or chalazion
An abscess that is located far from the edge of the eyelid and usually presents a reddish point similar to a grain. It takes longer to drain and heal than the external, if no positive changes occur in the first 10 days, it is recommended to go to the doctor immediately. In very rare cases the sty does not drain enough and leaves as a sequela ball of hardened fat that must be surgically removed or drained by a scalpel incision. But sure that is not going to be your case, let’s start by eliminating pain and inflammation using one of these 10 treatments to heal a stye quickly.
An early warning
Remember that the sty usually comes as a result of exposure to bacteria, so:
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Do not touch, squeeze, rub, pinch or try to remove your stye, you can spread the infection, damage the lacrimal glands or the eyeball itself.
Extreme your hygienic measures to maintain the cleaning of the area, to prevent infections.
Do not use makeup until the eye has completely healed
Avoid using contact lenses, as they can become contaminated and transfer the bacteria to the healthy eye.
Since the eyes are directly related to the lymphatic system and blood, it is advisable to consult a doctor before applying any medication, can affect the eye structure and vision.
And now how can I heal a stye quickly?
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There are several natural treatments that will allow you to alleviate the symptoms and to remove the stye, but always remember that if inflammation and redness spread to other parts of the face or last too long, you should consult your doctor immediately. Promised is debt, then I offer you 10 treatments to quickly heal your stye:
Treatment # 1: Warm water
This is the most common treatment. Boil a quart of water and let it cool until it is warm. Moisten a clean cloth with this water and place it on the affected eyelid for 10 minutes, you must moisten the cloth again every time it cools. This process will help drain pus from the stye.
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Treatment # 2: Acacia
To relieve the terrible pain that triggers the styes you can use acacia. Add a handful of acacia leaves to two cups of boiling water. Leave the solution to cool, so that the essence of the plant passes into the water, and when it is warm wipe a clean cloth in it and use it as a compress in the affected eye. You should have it for 10 minutes just like the previous treatment.
Treatment # 3: Cilantro
It is said to be one of the most effective natural remedies for removing styes. Bring a teaspoon of coriander seeds into a cup of water, and wait a minute after it reaches the boiling point. Let the solution cool, strain it and use it to clean the affected eye three times a day.
Treatment # 4: Tea Bag
The tannins present in the tea leaves will also help you heal. Moisten a tea bag with warm boiled water and place it on the sty for ten minutes every day, until it disappears.
Treatment # 5: Parsley
Fresh parsley leaves in a bowl of boiling water will reduce inflammation and tenderness of the eyelid. Let the solution rest and then dip a clean cloth into it and use it as a compress until it cools. Do it in the morning and before going to bed at night.
Treatment # 6: Chamomile
To remove your stay, add a handful of chamomile leaves to two cups of boiling water. Strain the solution and let it cool, and when it is already warm moisten a clean cloth on it and place it in the affected eye for 10 minutes twice a day.
Treatment # 7: Turmeric
Turmeric is a natural antibacterial. Boil two cups of water with a teaspoon of turmeric powder until the liquid is reduced by half. Strain the solution with a gauze to make it clean. Use a dropper to throw 3 drops into your eyes two or three times each day.
Treatment # 8: Tomato
This remedy especially relieves pain. Slice a fresh tomato and place it on the affected area for 5 minutes, three times a day. Besides reducing the inflammation you will have a smooth and shiny skin.
Treatment # 9: Aloe vera
Again aloe vera and its multiple medicinal properties: Cut the Aloe vera leaf lengthwise and open in the center. Wet a cotton in the clear liquid that secretes the plant and gently pass it on the affected eyelid in the morning and at night. Then rinse with chamomile or rose water for three to four months. Also useful for tired eyes, cataracts and all kinds of inflammation.
Treatment # 10: Cucumber
Diuretic cucumber
The cucumber is refreshing and astringent, useful for masks and styes. Cut a cucumber into slices and place them on the infected area to reduce inflammation and pain.
Children are more likely to get frequent styes and when it comes to them you should always go to the doctor, although now you know how to remove a stye quickly using the treatments I proposed in this article. Always remember that it is best to avoid its appearance: keep your hands well clean and avoid touching your eyes and use irritating substances on them. I hope these tips have been useful to you.

Anna Leake is a health blogger that focuses on topics related to nutrition, fitness, and mental health. She was born in New York City but at age 6 moved to the Midwest where she spent her childhood exploring nature with friends and family. Anna graduated from University of Michigan-Ann Arbor with degrees in psychology & human development.