The Role of Dietary Supplements in Nutrition

The Role of Dietary Supplements in Nutrition

Nowadays people’s lives are very busy. Most of us work about 8 hours a day; it takes an average of 2 hours to get to work (round trip) and sleeps, usually 6 to 8 hours. This leaves a meager 6 hours to fill with our food, personal hygiene, hobbies, physical activity, social life and many other activities that make up our routine.

This fast pace of life has been seriously damaging the diet of many people who cannot eat properly. This leads not only to aesthetic damage, but especially to health. To better handle this fast pace, many people resort to using supplements.

When we talk about supplements, we are not just talking about the old known vitamin and / or mineral capsules. They are already widespread and used by those who want to ensure the minimum necessary intake of these nutrients; or because they know they can’t get them from diet alone — their ideal and primary source — or because their needs are increased — this is the case with pregnant women, athletes, or people with certain health conditions.

There are many supplements that have been developed for physical activity practitioners and they fall into several groups: energy replenishers, hydro-electrolytic replenishers, protein foods, compensating foods and branched chain amino acids. But we’ll talk better about each one of them later.

Look at the top supplements at Supplements By Design.

So much research and time has been devoted to developing these new products because the purpose of ergogenic, as they are also called, is to improve the potential for work output, that is, the optimization of energy use, of physical exertion. 

We know that the use of supplements is justified and indicated in certain situations, when we need to adapt the nutritional demands of the individual to their daily habits, such as their work routine, training, competition, sleep, study and, especially, time available for food.