With so many crash and fad diets out there, it’s no wonder people have lost faith in diets. Instead of losing weight, you’re left with disappointment, failure and maybe extra weight even though you were starving the whole time. And starvation is never the answer.
However, don’t let a few bad apples spoil the bunch. There are other healthier ways to lose weight fast with calorie reduction, exercise, and good hydration. Furthermore, you need to think of weight loss as a change of lifestyle. You can’t just follow a diet for a week and then go back to your eating habits.
If you’re asking yourself how to lose weight quickly read this article titled How To Lose 10 Pounds: This Is the Most Effective Diet For Weight Loss … Read this diet plan published by Diet of Life and convince yourself. It can help you drop these pounds in just one week. Thus, if you want to look absolutely stunning in that new dress you just bought for a special event or get a bikini body for your summer vacation, this is the diet for you.
What is the 7-day diet plan?
The 7-day diet plan to lose 10 pounds is a menu full of fruits and vegetables which are aimed at both vegetarians and non-vegetarians. This excellent fruit and vegetable diet offers you many choices as you make your way through each day of this healthy regimen. Whether you’ll be able to lose 10 pounds or less depends solely upon your determination and commitment to its meal plan. Thus, your level of motivation and endurance to manage your daily meals during this diet will determine your weight loss results.
Is it effective?
This 7-day diet meal plan is created to help you lose 10 pounds in seven days as well as detoxify your body, optimizing its functions. It also leads to some benefits which will be explored more thoroughly below. This meal plan aims to give you a head start on your weight loss journey. Unfortunately, if you don’t make an effort to maintain the weight you lost, it could come back very easy. Thus you should follow a proper diet and healthy eating habits, even if you successfully complete this 7-day diet. The general plan for the week is balanced with food choices such as carbohydrates, minimal fats, high protein, fiber, essential vitamins, and minerals etc. Do you want to know which foods are absolutely forbidden? Diet of Life has the answer you’re looking for.
Prepare yourself for the 7-day diet plan
The decision to start this plan is just the beginning step. If this is your first try at this diet, it’s crucial that you prepare yourself both mentally and physically if you want to shed 10 pounds. Here are some tips you could follow:
- Accept that you will be on a diet. Once you know you want to start this diet, start getting used to the idea that you will be on a low-calorie diet for seven days.
- Pick a starting date for this diet. Just have in mind the date should be at least 7 days away from your decision point.
- Choose Monday as your first day on this meal plan. It’s easier to control yourself throughout this diet while you’re away from your fridge and busy with work responsibilities.
- Plan your meals in advance. In this way, you will know what you’ll be eating each day of this diet and you’ll be able to buy these food ingredients in advance as well.
- Clean out your refrigerator. It’s much easier to stay on track with this diet if you throw away all the tempting and high-calorie foods. Afterward, stock up your fridge with fresh vegetables and fruit since those are the main meals in the 7-day diet plan to lose 10 pounds.
- Have a weighing scale at home. It’s best to weigh yourself before you start the 7-day diet and after you complete it in order to tell best how much weight you lost.
- Find motivation and inner strength. Devise a plan to keep you motivated and focused, especially during the first two days. These days are the most challenging because your body starts to notice the difference between the foods you consumed before and now. During these two days you feel most tempted to give up, but if you make it, it becomes easier afterward.
If you follow the tips outlined above you will have no trouble getting ready for this diet.
7-day diet meal plan
If you’re interested in a more detailed meal plan, you can read it on Diet of Life.
Day 1
All fruits are allowed except for bananas.
The first day of this “how to lose 10 pounds in a week” plan starts with fruits because they have multiple benefits. They are fat-free and contain a low level of calories compared to other foods you usually eat. Furthermore, watermelons and strawberries help flush out toxins from your system and enhance the detoxification process.
Make the most out of day 1:
- Eat a variety of fruit.
- Start your day with watermelon or cantaloupe because these melon fruits are very filling.
- Berries are high in antioxidants that help the body prevent certain types of cancers.
- Make a diet soup out of 6 onions, 2 green peppers, 3 tomatoes, 1 cabbage, 1 celery and herbs and seasoning according to your preference.
- 2 large mandarin oranges
- A glass of water
- 2 large peaches
- Diet soup
- A glass of water
- 1 cup of sliced mangos
- 1 cup of sliced plums
- Diet soup
- A glass of water
- 1 large grapefruit
- Diet soup
- A glass of water
Total calorie intake: 728
Day 2
All vegetables are allowed.
This day’s menu starts off with a baked potato in order to make up for the loss of energy from day one as well as provide enough energy to continue with the diet. The vegetables you’ll be eating today are fiber-packed and nutritious. Baked potatoes are especially rich in fiber and low in calories. You’re not allowed to put any butter or creamy toppings, but you can add a bit of salt or pepper for taste. And if you’re wondering why the attention is centered on vegetables, it’s because they’re rich in vitamins and minerals.
Make the most out of day 2:
- Eat as many vegetables as you can. Either stir-fry or make a salad with them.
- Use a lot of flavor enhancers to your stir-fry in order to get the right balance of taste and nutrition.
- Add lots of garlic, chopped onions, parsley shallots in one teaspoon of oil and afterward add your choice of vegetables. This is one of my favorite things about this diet.
- 1 sweet potato
- A glass of water
- Garden salad made with avocado, tomato, and carrots
- Diet soup
- A glass of water
- Diet soup
- Stir-fried vegetables
- A glass of water
- A glass of water
Total calorie intake: 511
Day 3
Eat as many fruits and vegetables as you want, except for bananas and potatoes.
The third day does an effective job of combining the first two days and reaping the benefits of both of them. You should be getting used to this diet plan to shed 10 pounds in a week by now. This is the day when your body chemistry starts changing since you’re not consuming any refined carbs, saturated fats and excessive sodium and artificial flavor enhancers. Simply put, your body is getting an entirely natural nutrition which will improve the weight loss process.
Make the most out of day 3:
- Start the day with fruit.
- Eat any fruit of your preference except for bananas.
- You can have a mixed salad with a balsamic and oil dressing. However, don’t use more than one teaspoon of olive oil.
- 1 cup of strawberries
- A glass of water
- 2 servings of garden salad
- One large grapefruit
- A glass of water
- 1 boiled edamame
- 1 garden salad with vegetables, tomatoes, and carrots
- 1 wedge of watermelon
- a glass of water
- 1 cup of grapes
- Diet soup
- A glass of water
Total calorie intake: 768
Day 4
Bananas and milk all the way.
On day four of this meal plan, you can eat up to 8 bananas and drink 3 glasses of skimmed milk in order to restore potassium levels. This day aims to make up for reduced levels of calcium from the milk, and potassium, carbohydrates and fiber from bananas. Although the diet plan outlines eating up to 8 bananas today, you don’t have to eat that much if you don’t want to.
Make the most out of day 4:
- In addition to bananas and milk, you may eat the diet soup.
- Start the day with 2 bananas and a glass of milk.
- Choose to have the diet soup for lunch. The vegetables will make you feel full.
- 2 large bananas
- a glass of skimmed milk
- a glass of water
- 3 large bananas
- a glass of water
- 2 large bananas
- a glass of water
- 1 large banana
- a glass of skimmed milk
- a glass of water
Total calorie intake: 1140
Day 5
Today’s menu is reserved for protein and tomatoes.
This day is a favorite among many dieters simply because they can have a grilled or baked piece of meat/fish with tomatoes for lunch and dinner. Today is the day when you will compensate for all the protein in your system. If you choose meat, you will be provided with protein, and if you consume fish you will get a share of omega3 fatty acids which will do wonders for your health. The tomatoes supply you with fiber and minerals, some of which are considered superfoods for the human body.
Make the most out of day 5:
- Vegetarians can substitute meat/fish with tofu which is rich in vegetable protein.
- Start the day with the diet soup or slices of tomatoes seasoned with salt and pepper.
- Remember to eat 6-8 fresh tomatoes.
- 2 large tomatoes
- A glass of water
- 4 ounces of salmon
- Diet soup
- 1 large tomato
- a glass of water
- Light chicken without skin
- 2 large tomatoes
- a glass of water
- 2 large tomatoes
- a glass of water
Total calorie intake: 628
Day 6
Same as day five, but with more vegetables either in salad or stir-fry form.
The sixth day of this weight loss plan is really similar to the previous day. The only difference is you have to eat as many vegetables instead of limiting yourself to tomatoes. By this day your body is used to the weight loss process and you will be very close to losing 10 pounds.
Make the most out of day 6:
- You can eat your meat or fish with vegetables (stir-fry or salad) and continue to enjoy the delicious diet soup.
- 1 cup of corn
- a glass of water
- 3 servings of garden salad with vegetables
- 4 ounces of boneless grilled chicken
- Diet soup
- a glass of water
- 3 servings of garden salad with vegetables
- 1 medium steak of salmon
- Diet soup
- a glass of water
- 2 large carrots
- a glass of water
Total calorie intake: 860
Day 7
Opt for fruits, vegetables, and juices.
On day 7 you can consume a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, and vegetable juices. You may also have half a cup of brown rice. You may feel a little weak on the last day of the diet as your body hasn’t consumed too many carbs in the last two days.
Make the most out of day 7:
- Start your day with various fruits: melons, pears, apples, oranges or berries.
- Berries are a tasty and convenient snack (blueberries and strawberries).
- You can also have an unlimited amount of vegetable juices since they assist in the detoxification of your body.
- Reflect on the last seven days and think about your will and endurance to stick to the end and realize your goal to lose 10 pounds.
- 1 cup of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice
- 1 kiwifruit
- 1 cup of strawberries
- a glass of water
- 1 cup of blueberries
- 2 servings of garden salad with vegetables
- 1 wedge of watermelon
- a glass of water
- 1 boiled edamame
- 2 servings of garden salad with vegetables
- 1 cup of watermelon juice
- a glass of water
- 1 cup of chopped broccoli
- 2 large stalk celeries
- ½ cup of strawberries
- a glass of water
Total calorie intake: 709
If you’re interested how exercise fits into this diet, you can find out more on Diet of Life.
The benefits of the 7-day diet
Though some people may consider it a ‘crash diet’, they don’t realize the real benefits of this 7-day diet. Firstly you will lose belly fat and it will prepare you for your long term desire of losing and maintaining ideal weight. Secondly, it can also be used as a type of 7-day cleanse. Furthermore, it will make you experience the benefits of introducing more fruits and vegetables in your daily meal plan.
Nevertheless, before you start it, you’ll have to prepare yourself mentally since you’ll need strong willpower and motivation to follow through with it. Once you lose 10 pounds in a week, the weight loss will also trigger additional health benefits:
Reduced risk of diabetes
Since there’s a direct relationship between obesity and type 2 diabetes, losing weight helps delay or prevent this disease. Researchers found that just by losing 7 percent of body weight, the risk of diabetes is reduced by 58 percent for people with impaired glucose tolerance.
Reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases
According to some medical studies, an individual who loses 5 to 13 percent of his/her body weight can reduce harmful levels of low-density lipoprotein, commonly referred to as “bad cholesterol” and increase high-density lipoprotein or “good cholesterol”.
It detoxifies the body
As mentioned earlier, this diet aids in detoxification of the body by getting rid of all toxins and food wastes in our body from foods that have a high content of sodium, saturated fat, refined sugar as well as junk foods. You will also have improved levels of energy and self-esteem.
All in all, if you’ve been looking for a diet to shed 10 pounds in a week, you definitely came to the right place. This diet allows you to enjoy different types of foods but on some days it’s quite restrictive and it resembles a fast. Although it can be challenging, it becomes easier as you make your progress while keeping yourself completely motivated and focused.

Anna Leake is a health blogger that focuses on topics related to nutrition, fitness, and mental health. She was born in New York City but at age 6 moved to the Midwest where she spent her childhood exploring nature with friends and family. Anna graduated from University of Michigan-Ann Arbor with degrees in psychology & human development.