Foligen: Does It Really Work For Hair Loss?

Hair Loss

There are a couple of things that happen as we get older: our mental acuity reduces, our immunity deteriorates, and gradual hair loss becomes imminent. However, hair loss specifically doesn’t come with old age alone; it can also be brought about by other factors as well.

While the lucky ones enjoy extended periods of time with all of their hair intact, the unlucky ones have to cope with the effects of hair loss once it eventually happens.

Hair Loss

Nonetheless, All Hope Is Not Lost:

We are living in the age where all sorts of treatments and supplements are continually being made available to us for the sake of such complications as hair loss. The key thing, however, is to understand the main cause of your loss of hair before taking actionable steps towards a suitable treatment.

Before we look into detail whether Foligen really works for hair loss or not, it’s important you take note of a few key things.

Hair Loss 101

Basically, you can lose your hair as a result of 3 main things, well, besides old age.

First, is due to your genetic makeup. Here, science has confirmed that baldness characteristics are mapped in the X chromosome, found in females, so hair loss due to heredity is quite possible.

Secondly, there is the factor of environment. Simply put, things like pollution, radiation, etc. increase the rate of hair loss.

Lastly, the now-and-then hormonal fluctuations also play a part in hair loss. When either of these causes kick in, the 3 stages of hair loss might begin and the eventuality happens.

What Foligen Does For Your Hair?

Foligen as a supplement for hair growth and development is natural, given to the fact that its ingredients are also as natural as they come. This, of course, has a couple of benefits on your hair.

It contains biotin, Fo-Ti and other ingredients, which have a positive impact on your hair. In the long run, you can expect procedural and gradual hair growth, and in general, an improvement in the overall health of your hair.

So, Does Foligen Really Work For Hair Loss?

Yes. Indeed it does, but there is a catch.

The catch

The key thing is to improve your lifestyle also, since things like diet, sleep, etc. can influence its ability to impact on your hair. Otherwise, immediately you notice you’re losing your hair, you shouldn’t waste any time going for a Foligen treatment; if you take too long, you might not reclaim your healthy hair lifestyle.

Why you should go for a Foligen treatment

It’s simple. Foligen is natural. Its ingredients are inspired from nature, which makes it an ideal option towards treating damaged hair. Lastly, Foligen has no side effects, hence you don’t have to worry about any harmful damage under its use.