What Is Physical Education – definition,activity,health & guidelines

What Is Physical Education

What Is Physical Education activity?

Physical activity is any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscle and resulting in a substantial increase in energy expenditure. It has three components in this article you can learn What Is Physical Education, definition of physical education:

physical activity definition and what is physical health

weight training routines and what is physical activity

Occupational work: all activities undertaken to perform a job.

Housework and other tasks that form part of everyday life pulmonary embolism guidelines.

Recreational activity: the individual chooses activities in their spare time and is generally selected from needs and interests, which includes exercise and sport physical activity pyramid.

65% of total energy expenditure depends on physical activity and will be determined by the characteristics of physical activity- physical activities for kids, modality, intensity, duration and frequency-performed and the physical conditions of the individual dimension-body, custom, and fitness .

What Is Physical Education

What is exercise?

Exercise will make all planned and structured as a function of time and generally aims to improve and maintain physical fitness activities.

What is sport?

Usually defined sport as the physical activity that involves competition and which may comprise a form of exercise or a professional occupation.

What is a sedentary lifestyle?

A sedentary lifestyle is defined as a state in which body movement and energy costs are minimal. A sedentary lifestyle is more than the absence of activity, it is also participating in passive behaviors such as watching television, reading, office work, talk, drive, meditate or eat.

What is an active lifestyle?

An active lifestyle can be defined as the involvement of a person in physical, cognitive and social activities that require certain physical and mental effort in a systematic and planned manner, which means, among other things, limit sedentary activities at a given time ( fewer hours in front of screens), incorporate physical activity related to the main occupation (use the stairs) and set aside a specific time of day for exercise (a walk) tasks.

What are the benefits of exercise?

Eating and physical activity habits often interact, particularly in the regulation of energy balance and thus helps achieve a healthy body weight, but by itself, the regular exercise provides psychosocial additional and independent benefits that contribute to improving the physical, emotional and mental health.

What impact exercises on physical health?

People with an active lifestyle and fitness metabolize more fat and practice of moderate intensity exercise increases the ability to use stored body fat, which becomes significant when the exercise habit is maintained over the weather.

The regular exercise has a positive impact on health, even without implying lose weight, then, by itself, reduce other risk factors such as cholesterol levels or heart strengthens resistance. This is an active person would decrease the risk factors despite having or not overweight.

Frequent physical fitness and regular exercise are important in preventing some diseases such as cardiovascular disease component, diabetes mellitus type 2 and backaches among others.

What impact exercises on mental and emotional health?

There is no scientific evidence that physical inactivity itself affects the mental and psychological health, but it is known that participation in physical activity can reduce the degree of stress, anxiety and depression symptoms, and improve cognitive performance people, as in the case of memory.

What are the effects of exercise on the development of children and adolescents?

Exercise a positive influence on the intellectual and emotional development of children and adolescents as it helps to counteract the daily emotional and muscular tension, which allows the development of creativity and have a better handle on the problems; helps to shape an adequate self-esteem and their recreational and sports aspects play a socializing role.

How long exercise is recommended to maintain good health?

The amount and frequency of physical activity required to obtain health benefit are relatively modest. The available scientific evidence indicates that 30 minutes of regular and continuous moderate-intensity activity at least five times a week is recommended. However, if what is sought is to control or lose weight may need a higher level of systematic and continuous activity of 60 minutes.