Everybody experiences back pain at some point in their life and it is becoming a common health issue among all ages. Today, back pain is also a leading cause of disability even among the younger generation as people often neglect early signs of chronic spinal conditions. We all have to study the intensity and frequency of neck and back pain as it can indicate the development of any common spinal disability, which can be treated well in the early stage.
Common spine ailments that can clear your doubts and myths about certain on-going conditions:
The vertebral column in humans keeps the spine in a particular position. When one or more vertebrae slide forward, or climb over another, Spondylolisthesis occurs! In most cases, the doctor will suggest going for physical therapy to strengthen the muscle and compensate for unexpected slippage, but it can be only performed after examining the severity of the condition. Medications are also prescribed to reduce pain and inflammation.
Degenerative Disc Disease
A common ageing issue, Degenerative Disc Disease usually happens with a combination of spinal stenosis and sciatica. Overusage or minor injuries can cause spinal discs to get damaged or degenerate, while shrinking the space between discs over time. The process leads to instability and pain, while performing everyday activities.
Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis
Osteoporosis occurs in women who are of postmenopausal age. In this condition, one might suffer through vertebral fractures if not treated at an early stage. Doctors usually prefer medications and physical therapy to treat mild conditions.
Osteoarthritis, on the other hand, is a condition that adversely affects joints, bones, and limbs and can cause spinal issues as well. Osteoarthritis can lead to the deterioration of spinal joints and cartilage, causing immense pain and inflammation, which can damage nerves in future creating bone spurs.
Scoliosis is a condition of abnormal spinal bending or curvature. Usually, the signs of the disease can be found in early childhood or adolescence and can occur as a result of arthritis or spinal injuries. Cases of Scoliosis are mostly mild, which can be treated through physical therapy, but in severe cases, one might need surgery or bracing to correct the curvature.
The sciatic nerve is commonly known as the largest nerve, which runs from the lower back and passes through the buttocks, down the legs. The severity of sciatic pain ranges from intermittent to persistent irritation to constant and debilitating. In most cases of Sciatica, the compressed nerve causes pain, numbness and weakness to the partial side of the lower body.
Spinal Stenosis
Spinal Stenosis is a condition, which can occur due to various reasons, including age, genetic/family history, osteoarthritis, and trauma. It is one of the crucial conditions of the spinal canal, where it continually gets narrow and puts pressure on the nerves, causing similar pain to sciatica. The symptoms of spinal stenosis remain the same, as numbness and weakness is witnessed in the affected area, which needs to be examined correctly by a specialist to discover the root cause.
Slipped/ Herniated Disc
A slipped disc occurs as a result of accidental injury, repetitive motion, and sometimes it is seen as a common effect of ageing. Bed rest, medication, and pain management are the usual effective methods to treat Herniated Disc. Usually, it happens in the lower back with symptoms including back pain, numbness, tingling sensation, and muscle weakness.

Anna Leake is a health blogger that focuses on topics related to nutrition, fitness, and mental health. She was born in New York City but at age 6 moved to the Midwest where she spent her childhood exploring nature with friends and family. Anna graduated from University of Michigan-Ann Arbor with degrees in psychology & human development.