The reasons are diverse, from aesthetic concern for the body, through self-acceptance and quality of life to pertinently medical reasons, and the truth is that the fitness market is more heated than ever.
United States is the first largest in number of gyms in the world. There are thousands of existing units and expecting more growth.
With so much demand arising, it is natural that the quantity of quality professionals will accompany the exponential line of this sector. After all, customers of this service understand that having trained instructors is among the pillars for the success of their goals in physical exercises. These aspects helps many people starting a business as a health expert.
But, after all, even with the heating of the sector and the strong search for responsible mind body fitness coach certification professionals, what defines them to be of quality and to be able to offer the best that customers expect?
The fitness market in USA
Today, it is practically impossible not to find a person who has not done any physical activity in life, especially the gym. And even, if you’ve never been inside one, you’ve probably already thought about going.
The reasons are diverse, but are mainly driven by consumption habits and behavior. For example, 80% of people are concerned about eating healthy.
Thus, the increase of people present in gyms is more and more frequent. Recently, according to the International survey, there are about 8 million consumers of this service.
Another important fact is that, even though the national economy was in retraction during last years, this sector managed to have a strong growth of 8%. In this way, we can understand that this type of area is becoming one of the basic needs of people, not depending on their economic power at that moment: what matters is to be healthy.

Anna Leake is a health blogger that focuses on topics related to nutrition, fitness, and mental health. She was born in New York City but at age 6 moved to the Midwest where she spent her childhood exploring nature with friends and family. Anna graduated from University of Michigan-Ann Arbor with degrees in psychology & human development.