Thinking About Weightloss Surgery? Get the Facts From Someone Who’s Already Done It!

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Book Description: When you’re thinking about weight-loss surgery, it’s important to have all the facts. When she was considering it for herself, Maria realized how little useful information there was about these surgeries. There were only dry medical texts—nothing that spoke directly to the patient about all aspects of the experience. With the help of her friends and hours on hours of research, Maria has created a simple guide that lays out the basics of both the preparation process and postsurgery recovery.

Thinking_about_Weightloss_Surgery_Facebook_Banner (1)She covers how to

– weigh the pros and cons of weight-loss surgery,
– select between different types of bariatric surgery,
– prepare for surgery,
– know what to expect after waking up,
– cook delicious recipes to keep you on your recovery diet,
– be vigilant about losing too much weight,
– understand the emotional aspects of your transformation, and
– consider other procedures for the future.

After her own surgery, Maria came to realize that it was only the first step on a much longer journey. She hopes that her simple guide can support and inspire you as you get used to your new body and both the physical and emotional changes it can create.

Author Biography: Maria had a gastric sleeve procedure two years ago. She relied on her support network during her recovery and wants to provide the same for other people in similar situations. Her own experiences and hours of research helped inform Thinking about Weight Loss Surgery?

Available on Amazon US (and Canada), and Amazon Europe (all Europe, including the UK).

Available format: Paperback and Kindle



Author: Maria