Any kind of knee pain you may have has the potential of reaching the point where it becomes debilitating. If you are already living with some type of knee pain you probably do not want to allow it to ever reach a level of severity where it disrupts normal daily living. And if you are not currently dealing with knee pain you may simply be seeking advice on how to avoid it altogether.
Either way, here are some tools that you may find beneficial for reducing and/or preventing your knee pain.
Knee Strap
One of those tools that might help you avoid knee pain is a knee strap. These typically provide relief if you are suffering from patellofemoral pain syndrome (PPS), also known as “runner’s knee”. This particular injury often presents itself in runners but can also affect other types of athletes.
PPS involves the kneecap itself continuously coming into contact with or bumping into your femur bone. Sometimes this can happen when your cartilage that is meant to soften the impact within your knee mechanism degrades to a high degree. Knee straps are bands of typically a breathable and non-slip material which wrap around the leg just under the curve of the knee and strap in place.
The location that knee straps are generally worn is key to the way that they function. By being wrapped around your leg just below your kneecap knee straps are able to provide the joint with some additional stability. Using knee straps might help lower the level of pain you have from the contact between your femur and kneecap.
Compression often helps reduce the amount of pain you have from most injuries, including knee injuries. Knee straps are usually made so that they add compression just below the knee when they are being worn. Using compression in general often helps your muscles recover quicker after a long run by increasing blood flow and reducing inflammation.
Reduce Your Pain
Most knee straps are made to be worn while you are running for a long time or long distances. Once you put them on they will usually stay in place no matter what you are doing until you are ready to take them off.
Almost all knee straps are designed to be worn in the same location. When placing your knee straps on you will most often want to place them right below the bottom of your kneecap on both legs. The primary way that knee straps can reduce the pain you endure is by securing the patellar tendon in place and preventing dislocation of the joint as you run. Another reason that they are designed to be worn in this location is so they can help provide support to your kneecap, which can help decrease the amount of soreness you have after a run.
A variety of different knee straps can often be found at most pharmacies and running shops, you can also find them online. Your physician may be able to give you a recommendation on what style of knee strap they believe would work best for you based on your past medical history. When looking for a pair of knee straps keep in mind the materials and breathability. You will want to be sure that you find some that provide the correct level of support that you need and are comfortable to wear while walking and running.
Prevent Further Injuries
If you have experienced a knee injury before then it could be a good idea to wear a knee strap when you go running or are on your feet for a long period. Knee straps are made to help give your knees additional support and stability but they can also help prevent a painful knee cap dislocation. Safety always comes first and knee straps can be an excellent safety tool.

Anna Leake is a health blogger that focuses on topics related to nutrition, fitness, and mental health. She was born in New York City but at age 6 moved to the Midwest where she spent her childhood exploring nature with friends and family. Anna graduated from University of Michigan-Ann Arbor with degrees in psychology & human development.