Fingernail fungus treatment (Also known as onychomycosis and tinea unguium) are the most common abnormality of the nails, making up about fifty percent of nail abnormalities. They are a hard thing to cure. Unfortunately, an infection under the nail is challenging to get at, and the bed of the nail is damp because of the nail casing. There are many treatments that can be done, both at home and by medication, which can help to clear up a fingernail fungus. First, let’s take a look at the causes and symptoms:
What causes a Fingernail fungus treatment?
Nail fungus is more common in males than females. They are also more common in older people rather than younger. There are many traits that lead to fungal infections of the fingernails:
- Low blood circulation
- Nails that grow slowly
- genetics
- Heavy sweating
- Surroundings (wet environment)
- Old injury to the skin or nail
Fingernail Fungus is mainly caused by fungi that do not need light to survive. A lot of times, yeasts and molds also cause these horrible disastrous fungus.
Symptoms of a fingernail fungus:
- Nail has a yellow, brownish tint
- Nails become very thick. So much so that it is are hard to trim.
- Soreness and sensitivity disturb daily activities like walking or even situating regular shoes.
- Little white or black spots all around nail
- Nails are scaly, brittle, and chipped.
- Fowl odor coming from nails.
Fingernail Fungus Treatment:
Here are a few remedies that can help cure this nasty infection:
- -Make sure the nail stays dehydrated. The hardest part when riding a fungal infection is to keep the nail away from moisture. Water just adds to the moisture of the nail and will maintain humidity in the nail bed, making it a wet breeding ground for fungi. Fungi grow in moisture. So when you’re in the bath, it may be best if you keep your hands out of the water. Keeping them in an elastic shopping bag or some latex gloves, making sure that air can still get in so that the hand does not sweat (sweat is a horrible place for fungi to grow). When washing dishes, washing the laundry or any other action concerning liquid, you must keep hands out of water at all times. Protect them the same way, with a rubber glove or free fitting plastic bag.
- Take off every bit of nail polish. To treat a nail fungus, the nail must stay visible to light. Fungi mostly cultivates in dim, damp spaces. So if you have color on the nails make sure you remove it all straightaway till you are completely healed.
- One at home technique is mixing half hydrogen peroxide and half apple cider vinegar in a bowl, set the fungi irritated fingernail for half an hour for a week to see if this helps clear up the nail fungus.
- Also, try using a teaspoon of Clorox bleach in a large cup of water. Soak the finger in the mixture for 40 seconds to a minute. Do this again over a few days to make sure the fungus has disappeared.
- Tea tree oil rubbed on the fingernail twice daily
Topical creams. Many different topical creams can be found at - resident pharmacies. Here are a few we recommend:
- Keractil. Nontoxic, stress-free and healing. Abolishing nail fungus with no destructive side effects.
- Xenna All Natural NonyX Nail Gel. All natural. Podiatrist recommended.
- ZetaClear Nail Fungus Formula.
- Here2clear nail renewal therapy
- Oral Medication. There are many medications you can take orally in treating fingernail fungus. Two products that are proven to treat and cure fingernail fund uses are Leucatin and Lamisil. Lamisil is a prescription, so an appointment with a doctor is needed.
- Nail Removal. Removing a fungus infested finger nail is obviously not everyone’s first choice, it is definitely an emergency situation, and also may not even be a cure. It depends on the severity of fungus you have.
If fingernail fungus is not treated, the fungus can spread and hurt the whole nail. Make sure, before it gets too bad, you consult a doctor about your nail.
In most cases, a fingernail fungus can be prevented all together! Here
are a few tips to keep in mind to steer clear of this awful situation:
- Keep your toenails and fingernails short, but not too short.
- Keep hands clean, and dry them thoroughly.
- Wear dry socks.
- Wear loose shoes.
- Alternate your shoes.
- Do not soak hands in harsh cleaners.
- immediately fix athlete’s foot when it shows up.

Anna Leake is a health blogger that focuses on topics related to nutrition, fitness, and mental health. She was born in New York City but at age 6 moved to the Midwest where she spent her childhood exploring nature with friends and family. Anna graduated from University of Michigan-Ann Arbor with degrees in psychology & human development.