bulging disc treatment When the pressures in your back are not placed equally across a disc you might be prone to developing a bulging disc. This occurs when the softer inner layer of the disc starts to push against the outer layer and the disc bulges outward. This bulge puts stress on the spinal nerves and causes pain. Bulging discs are said to be normal. They are thought of being a part of the aging process. Two of the more common spinal problems have to do with either herniated or bulging discs. Discs are similar to pillows that cushion in-between the bony layer of our spine. They are made out of hard cartilage that surrounds the outer layer of the discs. The inner layer contains a soft cartilage in the center that looks like jelly.
Symptoms of bulging disc
- pain in the lower back, hips, rear end, or even the legs and feet.
- numbness or a tingling feeling in these areas like if your leg was asleep.
- pain or difficulty moving your legs or back. This is most likely caused by inflammation.
- difficulty to straightening the spine or bend forward without pain.
Bulging Disc Treatment
In order to avoid this problem, it is important to fix the bulging disc problem before it becomes a herniation. To do this all you need to do is balance the pressure on your discs.
Starting, you can begin to notice your daily habits that may cause your back to kinks or move in awkward ways. By adjusting the problems, you can fix most back problems.
You can also do stretching exercises that will help to relax tense muscles in the back, improve flexibility, and toughen frailer muscles to help you joist the spine. These may take some time to see the effect, but in the long run, it helps you overall.
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One method we recommend is Cold Compression Therapy
The R.I.C.E. Method
Cold Compression Therapy is amazing for people who are troubled with back pain from bulging discs. To begin R.I.C.E. treatments, first, rest your back as much as possible and stop any of movement that may cause dislocation of the back. Ice the area 2 to 4 times a day for about 15 to 20 minutes. Do not use ice directly onto your skin, use a rag or cloth to protect your back. Try adding light pressure to minimize swelling. Finally, elevate your injury to relieve pain and allow fluid to properly drain.
There are a few products on the market to help deal with your herniated or bulging disc all available at sites like Amazon.com
-Back/hip Freezie Wrap and the Back/hip inferno wrap.
-Mendix Portable Ultrasound. Therapeutic ultrasound is a system that is like a high-frequency massage that can penetrate up to 4″ below the surface of the skin. The heating and massaging effects can quicken the healing progression, lessen pain, and restore damaged tissue softening scar tissue. Portable ultrasound therapy is suggested by many doctors and physical therapists.
The difference between a Bulging Disc and a Herniated Disc?
-Well, Bulging discs happen due to the discs expanding from between two vertebrae. When this happens the disc bulges out from where it should be. It is almost like the meat of a burger that is way too big for the bun. That is almost what a bulging disc looks like.
-A herniated disc happens when the outer layer of a disc breaks. When this occurs, the inner layer will fill up the space that has been broken. It may protrude outside of the disc Bulging discs occur normally midst most the world. However, herniated discs may cause pain and are a much more serious occurrence.
Causes of a bulging disc?
The causes of bulging discs can vary, but usually, they are a result of:
-An injury (such as a car accident or a fall)
-Inherited softness in the wall of the disc
-Toxins building up in the body. (Toxins, actually, will deteriorate the walls of the discs) Toxins can increase because of bad diet, inadequate water intake, smoking, drinking a lot of alcohol, and many others.
Why can bulging discs be painful?
Spinal nerves are located right behind the spinal discs. If you have this situation it will have a tendency to put force on the nerves, and that can be very painful. Nerves of the spine regulate everything in the body. If there is pressure put on these nerves they can resign from operating suitably and other indicators can evolve.
Upper back bulging discs cause a lot of pain that can release to the rib cage and make you have heart palpitations. Struggled breathing and headaches are common with this condition.

Anna Leake is a health blogger that focuses on topics related to nutrition, fitness, and mental health. She was born in New York City but at age 6 moved to the Midwest where she spent her childhood exploring nature with friends and family. Anna graduated from University of Michigan-Ann Arbor with degrees in psychology & human development.