Traditional sinus surgery, also known as Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS), enlarges the sinus openings by removing bone and tissue. The intention is to create enough space for the sinuses to drain properly. In Asian ENT Hospital Dr. Pradeep who is one of the best ENT doctor in Visakhapatnam along with his team performs this surgery endoscopically in the majority of cases. If this is not possible, an opening into the sinus is made from the inside of the mouth or, in extreme instances, through the skin of the face. From chronic nasal discharge to a reduction or loss of sense of smell or taste, there are a range of risks and potential balloon sinuplasty complications. Balloon sinuplasty takes three to five days to heal from, and strenuous exercise should be avoided for a longer period of time.
The FDA approved a new procedure called balloon sinuplasty in 2005. Since then this procedure has got popularity in India also, even in smaller cities like Visakhapatnam, Kochi, Nagpur etc. A tiny balloon, similar to those used to clear blocked arteries in balloon angioplasty, is used to dilate the blocked nasal passages in this minimally invasive procedure.
What is Sinusitis?
Sinusitis is a disease that affects the nose and sinuses. The sinuses are a collection of interconnected cavities in the skull that usually contain oxygen. Mucus-secreting membranes line the inside of their walls. Mucus is swept out of your nose by hairs in those membranes, allowing it to drain. When those membranes become inflamed or infected, however, they hinder the nasal passages and prevent the fluid from draining. Sinusitis is the medical term for this condition.
According to Dr. Pradeep, sinusitis is typically a temporary illness that occurs during cold or allergy season. However, in some cases, the disorder becomes chronic, meaning that patients have it nearly all of the time.
If sinusitis becomes serious, surgery may be required to remove bone and tissue that is blocking the nasal passages and enable the sinuses to clear. Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery is the name for this operation (FESS). All patients who undergo this form of sinus surgical intervention should be examined by one of our allergists, as it is vital to our patients’ long-term health.
Procedure for Balloon Sinuplasty
- — The patient is made to feel at ease in different ways. The majority of patients opt for a local anesthetic for the minimally invasive procedure. An IV can be inserted, and medication can be administered to induce sleep in the patient. This can vary from mild sedation to general anesthesia. In any case, an appropriate amount of local anesthesia is administered to numb the sinuses.
- — An endoscope is inserted into the nostril via a guide catheter.
- — The guide catheter is advanced into the blocked sinus after reaching the sinus opening.
- — Next, a balloon catheter is inserted into the guide and advanced to the blocked sinus’s opening.
- — The balloon slowly inflates, clearing obstructions and allowing drainage.
- — A saline solution is sprayed into the inflamed sinus through the catheter to flush out the pus and mucus.
- — Cultures are taken to recognize any pathogens present, as well as sensitivities, so that antibiotic therapy can be directed appropriately. The catheter is taken out.
When the balloon is inflated in the inflamed passageway, it immediately widens and restructures the sinus walls without causing any damage to the sinus lining. This is a lifelong improvement that causes the sinuses to “remodel” from that point forward.
Who Is a Good Balloon Sinuplasty Candidate?
Patients with serious structural problems like a deviated septum or nasal polyps will still benefit from balloon sinuplasty. We can straighten a septum, clean out the ethmoid sinuses, remove polyps, and even put complicated implants in Asian ENT Hospital to speed recovery while maintaining a fast and simple “in-office” experience.
Balloon sinuplasty is a procedure that uses gentle external pressure to widen natural passageways. More typical types of surgery are often paired with sinuplasty to address structural defects that are causing the blockage. Furthermore, although balloon sinuplasty dilates blocked passages, it does not eliminate chronically inflamed tissue. Traditional endoscopic sinus surgery may be combined with balloon sinuplasty to treat your particular problem if tissue removal is the most important factor.
Is Balloon Sinuplasty a Healthy Procedure?
Traditional sinuplasty is riskier than balloon sinuplasty. Traditional sinus surgery must be undertaken under general anesthesia, and the patient may need to rest for 3-5 days afterward, as well as refrain from strenuous exercise or operation for a couple of weeks. Since it is minimally invasive, balloon sinuplasty has less chances of bleeding and infection, as well as less post-operative discomfort. There is no bone, cartilage, or tissue removed during the operation. As a consequence, there is no downtime or missed jobs. Furthermore, this therapy has no effect on future therapies or procedures. In other words, if this less invasive operation does not work, you would not be risking anything or jeopardizing your health if you need more intensive surgery in the future.

Anna Leake is a health blogger that focuses on topics related to nutrition, fitness, and mental health. She was born in New York City but at age 6 moved to the Midwest where she spent her childhood exploring nature with friends and family. Anna graduated from University of Michigan-Ann Arbor with degrees in psychology & human development.